Attalim Schools nurture and bring forth from within the highest potential of each child, leading to prosperity and accomplishment in this world and the hereafter.

Years (Estd. 1920)


Lives Impacted

Qualified Mentors

Addressing all the development areas that make up the Whole Child
Attalim Schools ensure seamless integration of spiritual and material knowledge and understanding. The curriculum is designed in light of the Qur’an and the Shari’at. It addresses all the developmental areas that make up the ‘whole child’ which include social, cognitive, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The memorization of the Qur’an is a powerful tool in promoting such development.
News & Announcements
Remarkable Achievements
across the globe by attalim students
The curriculum of Attalim Schools transforms children through building skills, attitudes, and conceptual understanding, not merely transferring knowledge. And make them noble Samaritans and dedicated service provider to his/her community and nation.
Huzur-e-Aala (TUS) graced SBHS robotics projects with his benedictions- A history is made
Students of Saifiyah Boys High School got a unique opportunity to present their functioning robots and artificial intelligence program to Huzur-e-Aala (TUS) during Karachi Chelum 1443H Safar Mubarak.